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  • Letter of Abstract Acceptance 7 June, 10 June, 2016
  • Schedule and Conference Programme 20 June, 30 June, 2016
  • Accommodation deadline 31 August, 2016


Giovanni De Giudici, Jonathan Lloyd and Caroline Peacock (contact:

Chemical reactions occurring at biogeochemical interfaces often control the mobility of bulk and trace elements and drive mineral precipitation. This is due to processes ranging from the molecular scale to the macro scale, that involve living tissues, organic molecules released to the environment, microbes, fluids and (bio)minerals. These are central to environmental sciences, and a growing number of multidisciplinary studies provide significant insight into how life is causative of environmental processes and can offer opportunities to develop environmental technologies. This session solicits contributions that explore the interactions between life and minerals from the molecular to the macro scale. Biogeochemical interfaces of relevance can include biofilms, the rhizosphere, biological tissues and fluids in a wide range of natural and engineered environments. Studies from the molecular scale to the field scale are encouraged. Focus will also include biomonitoring of pollutant transfer processes to the biosphere. (JL and CP stand for the Geomicrobiology and the Environmental Mineralogy Groups of MSGBI respectively).

The Keynote speaker, and MinSoc Hallimond Lecturer, will be Kevin Rosso (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington, USA)

Food for good

food for good

As of 2015, Palacongressi di Rimini offers its clients the opportunity to recover leftover food from their events and donate it to charities . Palacongressi endorses Food For Good - from meeting to solidarity, an initiative born out of a collaboration between Federcongressi, Food Bank and Equoevento. Every year in Italy, over 6 tons of food go to waste; at the same time, there are 10 million people living in poverty, 6.3 of which in conditions of absolute poverty, including 1 million children between the ages of 0-5 years. The contribution of organisers and exhibitors at the Palacongressi is therefore of major importance: with no additional costs and in agreement with Summertrade chefs, the catering company of the Rimini Fiera Group and official partner of the Palacongressi, menus are planned which are suitable both for the guests' needs and for the conservation and transport of any leftovers, resulting in a worthy act of social responsibility for the local area. The results and the feedback we have had in the first months of the project speak for themselves. Contact our staff for more information: always ready to help guide your choice.  The association chosen by Palacongressi is Opera Sant'Antonio di Rimini, a group of volunteers that manages the city's soup kitchen.

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